Wednesday 28 December 2016


Let us open our Bibles to the Gospel according to Saint Mathew 28 vs 18.
 All power in heaven and on earth has been given to me
This is one of the most exciting statements in the Bible, where Jesus gave a personal testimony about the dimension, magnitude, and extent of his power. One of the arguments that support the assertion that Jesus is Lord is that Jesus Christ is the only person in living memory that has ever claimed to be the holder of all the powers in earth and also claimed equality with the Father God.
No other man or power has ever dared to claim or pretended either falsely or rightly that He is Lord of Heaven and Earth.
Before we can realise and understand the import of this proclamation, we need to look at the concept of power much deeper.
  1. What is power? Power is the ability to authoritatively influence a decision.
  2. What is power?  Power is the Capacity to bring about change.
  3. What is power? Power is the capacity to control ones environment, including the behavior of other entities?
  4. What is power? The ability or capacity to perform or act effectively.
  5. What is power? It is the ability to do or act; capability of doing or accomplishing something.
  6. What is power? It is the possession of controlling influence.
  7. What is power? It is the ability to do, act, or produce results
In this world we are familiar we various kinds of power- Political power held by Presidents of Nations and other public officers, Traditional power held by Kings of Nations and other Chiefs, Prince and Princess; Spiritual power held by religious leaders of various faiths; Financial power held by Captains of Industries, the Rich and Mighty; and Military power held by Commander in Chiefs and other officers of the Armies of nations and states.
We often believe our human problems can be solved if we can encounter any of the powers mentioned above. But the truth is that most of the people holding the various human powers above also have problems that their human powers cannot solve, So its better to look unto him that have all powers in heaven and earth.
In this passage, Jesus Christ is saying that He is more powerful that all the political powers in the earth, He is more powerful than all the Presidents of nations; He is more powerful than all the Traditional powers on earth, as a matter of fact He is the Kings of Kings; He is more powerful than all the Spiritual powers on earth…He is the only genuine source of all divine solutions to human problems; He is more powerful than all the Billionaires on earth. He is richer than all the rich men of the earth; and lastly He has Armies is more powerful than all the armies of the nations of the earth. He is Commander In Chief of the Hosts of Heaven and Earth.
Today as I round up this message,  I want you to know that you are serving an All powerful God that the power to solve all problems. Today I don’t know the power that has been oppressing your life, stagnating your finances, and wasting your opportunities. Today, I don’t know the power that has been confronting your marriage, your business, your academics, your family, and your destiny.  What I know is that there is an all Powerful God that has the ultimate power, and upon the name every other power must bow.
But the All powerful God cannot intervene in your life unless you have admitted that you cannot help yourself and surrendered your life to Him. Today, If you have not invited the All powerful God to your life, you have an opportunity. Please say this prayer after me.
Father in the name of Jesus I confess I am a sinner, I repent of my sins, and pray that you wash them away by the blood of Jesus. I accept Jesus as my Lord and Saviour
As I end this message, I will like to pray for you and invoke the power of God into your life.
  1. Let every form of bareness and stagnancy  either – spiritual, financial or marital disappear in your life.
  2. Le every witchcraft and Occult afflicting  your life die
  3. Every strange spirits moving in your body, cringe out now
  4. Let  every curse on your life  break now
  5. Let the spirit of prosperity and favour locate and possess you.
  6. Let  every dead business, every dead womb, every dead bank account, every dead marriage, every dead brain, every dead talent, and every dead blessing  in your come back to life now
  7. Let the power of God hit you right where you are.

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