Saturday 3 June 2017


Image result for pictures of bishop david oyedepo
Until something changes within you nothing changes around you...~ PAPA DAVID OYEDEPO

Something do change with time but time itself changes nothing ~ PAPA OYEDEPO

Only those who believe for a need to be change remains in charge ~PAPA OYEDEPO

A change of status begins with a change of desire ~PAPA DAVID OYEDEPO

You don't need a century to effect a change you only need effective preparation to provoke unusual transformation ~PAPA DAVID OYEDEPO

You are at your best when you are at yourself ~PAPA DAVID OYEDEPO

Your originality is your greatest value ~PAPA DAVID OYEDEPO

Many want to be commanders but not all want to obey the commandment  ~PAPA DAVID OYEDEPO

Those that sweat with you need to eat the sweet with you ~PAPA DAVID OYEDEPO

Your mind is the gate way to your life ~PAPA DAVID OYEDEPO

When your mind is out of place your place in life is lost ~PAPA OYEDEPO

The state of your mind determines the quality of your life ~PAPA DAVID OYEDEPO

What you hear determines how you think, How you think determines how behave, and how you behave determines what you become   ~PAPA OYEDEPO

You can't dominate the world until you are dominated by God ~ PAPA DAVID OYEDEPO

The destiny you are not truly committed can never be actualized ~PAPA DAVID OYEDEPO

A close mouth is a closed destiny. ~PAPA DAVID OYEDEPO

You cannot fail with fact. ~PAPA OYEDEPO

How far you can see determines how far you can go~PAPA DAVID OYEDEPO

What you will become in life must first be seen in your mind ~PAPA DAVID OYEDEPO

When you know little more than others you will lead them without stress ~PAPA DAVID OYEDEPO

Your decision determines how successful you   will   become   in   life ~PAPA  OYEDEPO

Praying without working is playing without knowing.  ~PAPA OYEDEPO

Every star is known to be a thinker and every committed thinker is bound to be a star. ~PAPA DAVID OYEDEPO

Poverty is not a gift from God but a result of your action. ~PAPA DAVID OYEDEPO

Your success is not determine by what you have but by what you do with what you have. ~PAPA DAVID OYEDEPO.


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