Saturday 3 June 2017

Thanksgiving And Praise quotes by Pastor E.A Adeboye

As Christians, God requires us to give thanks always. Can you imagine a mother singing and dancing after losing her child? It may look wicked but this is a way to confuse the devil.
“Give thanks in all circumstances, for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you’’- I Thessalonians 5: 18 (ESV)
Did you notice the scripture says “in all circumstances” not “for all circumstances”?
“If you do not praise God when you are at peace, you will praise Him when you are in trouble”

“Thanksgiving is the glue that helps to firmly attach your blessings to you. Without it, your blessing may be lost."

“If you know how to give God some aroma through praises, he will make your life more appealing and attractive.”

“Being thankless and unappreciative has a negative impact on the human heart.”
“The devil will not stay where they are praising God.”

“When you praise God, He draws near. When God draws near, then the devil will run away.”

“Sometimes, all you need to do in order to get your miracles Is to praise Him”
“Praise is a powerful instrument. It attracts God’s presence. If you have been struggling with a problem, try praise. It can change your life because as you praise God, the earth releases her increase and you will be blessed. “
“Do you know that if you can rejoice, offer God thanksgiving and praises right from your heart, the Holy Ghost will begin to move?”

“If those who appear to have nothing to thank God for still find reason to Thank Him, what about you?”
“When in trouble, praise and thank God. To show a higher level of faith, actually sleep off the problem. This shows you trust God to sort it out.”

“Anyone who does not know how to be grateful to God may never enjoy permanent victory.”
“Let somebody Shout Halleluyah”

There is power in Praise and Thanksgiving. It’s part of Positive mental attitude. I’m sure you knowpositive thoughts produces positive energy that attracts positive circumstances.pls employ this tool to your life and watch it change in a remarkable way.

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