Tuesday 30 May 2017


Lo, children are an heritage of the LORD: and the fruit of the womb is his reward.” Psalm 127:3 (KJV)

For almost the entire month, I have consciously taught on grace. I encourage you not only to read them once, read again and meditate on them. It will help your Christian experience. This weekend we will be celebrating the children. I thank God for the children He has given us in TREM.
Our scripture reading today says they are God’s heritage. In other words, you are only a caretaker. God gave them to you to nurture, mentor and groom. The fact that you have children should not make you feel more important; and as many as are trusting God today, I speak over your life that your desire will come to pass. Don’t give up; hang in there.

The Bible calls them His heritage. What does heritage mean? Heritage is from the word inherit, which implies possession. In other words, children are God’s property. If that is the case, what is your responsibility as the caretaker? What does God expect you to do with His inheritance? Verse 4 of that chapter goes further to say that the children are like arrows in the hands of a mighty. What are arrows? Arrows are weapons of war. So what is our responsibility? Our responsibility is to grow them and show them the way of the Lord so that when they grow up, they become mighty arrows that will stand and defend you. A blunt arrow is of little use to the hunter; but when it is sharp, the hunter uses it with joy. In the same vein, an untrained child is of little use to the Kingdom. As parents and guardians, you have a responsibility to train them, and when you do, they will show forth the praise of God. Also children, you have the responsibility to submit to authority. An authority that you do not recognise will not bless you. No matter what you think you know, never loose sign of that fact. You may be better educated, richer or more influential than those the Lord has placed in authority over you, in spite of that, reverence him or her and submit to their authority. As we celebrate this children’s day, may our children, the world over, bring us joy.
Further Reading: Psalm 127:1-5
Daily Bible Reading: Morning- 1 Chronicles 28-29; Evening- John 9:24-41
Spread the Word, Share!

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