Tuesday 30 May 2017


Growth and increase are synonymous with God and can only come through unity, as this is where the blessing and increase in the Kingdom is commanded. These were Pastor Taiwo Odukoya’s words to the congregation at the May 28 Sunday service as he spoke on the topic: “God of Increase”. Reading from Ephesians 4:7-16 and Psalm 133, Pastor Taiwo spoke extensively on unity in the body of Christ and the importance of prayer.

He likened the body of Christ to the human body which consists of many parts working together to achieve the growth of the individual parts and the entire body. “For the growth of each part and the maturing of the entire body, each part must contribute its quota,” he stated.
He urged the congregation to pray without ceasing as “the only way you draw water from the finished work of Christ in your physical position is by prayer and thanksgiving; otherwise, you will complain all through your life, right in the blessing, while some will thank God and manifest the blessing,” he said.
Pastor Taiwo @ Thursday Showers
Reading from Romans 8:12-16, Pastor Taiwo Odukoya at the May 25 Thursday Showers service spoke about the importance of being led by the Spirit of God. “Your first priority is the Holy Spirit in your life—your relationship with God,” he said. From the scriptures, he pointed out the characteristics of sons, those in a relationship with their fathers, noting that sons hear and dialogue with their fathers. Just as God related with the person of Jesus while here on earth, God also relates with us, he stated.
Pastor Taiwo, explaining how the sons of God are defined on earth, said they are led by the Spirit of God. “Sons do not fear. They are decisive. When they hear the Father, they are bold to move to do what the He says,” he said.
He then highlighted what is expected of sons who are led by the Spirit, as seen in the lives of the disciples in Acts 4:
Sons are confident in who they are—they are bold. (verse 1-13)
They must know who they are; otherwise, circumstances and the world would redefine them. (verse 18-20)
Sons keep godly company. (verse 23)
Sons are people of prayer. (verse 24-31)

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