Tuesday 30 May 2017


“Be ye followers of me, even as I also am of Christ.”
1 Corinthians 11:1 (KJV)
As believers, it is our responsibility to be God’s road sign. People do not care what you say, because actions speak louder than words. Yesterday, we looked at being children’s caretaker, but do you realise that everyone who comes to the Lord through your ministry – be it one-on-one evangelism, crusade, chance meeting or any other way the Lord uses you, is your spiritual son or daughter? The same way you live by example before your natural children you have to do the same before your spiritual children – don’t tell them to pray when you are not praying. Don’t tell them to go on evangelism if you will not go by yourself. Don’t tell them to study the word if you will not study it yourself.
As believers, we are the bible the world should read. While living by example to your spiritual children, be the Bible to the world. Let them see Jesus in you; not because you announce that you are a believer, but because your life shows them the Lord. The believers were called Christian in Antioch because they behaved like Him. Their interactions were different, their language was different, the negative things everyone around them did, never contaminated them. People saw them and saw a reflection of Jesus in them and called them little Christs – Christians.
Can we see God’s reflection in you? Are you proud to be called a Christian in your neighbourhood? Do your colleagues, friends and family members see you differently? Or do they mock you at your back saying” “if that is a Christian, then I am fine”? Even your immediate family – your spouse, parents and siblings (whichever applies) do they see Jesus in you? If not, then sit back and check yourself. A lion gives birth to a lion, never a goat. If you are not behaving like Christ, then you are none of His. It is not about how long you have been in church, it is about, how well your life reflects Him.
Stop and take a look at yourself in the mirror of the word of God and make the necessary adjustments that your life may show forth His glory.
Further Reading: 1 Timothy 4:6-16
Daily Bible Reading: Morning- 2 Chronicles 4-6; Evening- John 10:24-42
Spread the Word, Share!

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