Tuesday 30 May 2017


And he said, ‘All these things I have kept from my youth’ So when Jesus heard these things, He said to him, ‘You still lack one thing, sell all that you have and distribute to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven; and come and follow Me’ But when he heard this, he became very sorrowful, for he was very rich” (LUKE 18:21-23) (NKJV).

One day, a rich young ruler came to Jesus asking Him what he might do to inherit eternal life.  Though, he was unconsciously wrong in his approach by addressing Jesus as Good Teacher, and what to do to inherit eternal life, yet Jesus replied him and supplied the answer to his question.  In fact, this young man was rich and also very religious to the cure.  But his reaction to the answer for his question proved that something very important was still lacking in his so-called religious life – he was uncommitted.  He told Jesus that he’s been observing all that Jesus said was necessary right from his youth, and then the Lord pointed to him what he still lacked.  Unfortunately, he felt bad about this issue of lack that he left Jesus with sorrow.
Some Christians are very zealous, some attend church services regularly, greet the Pastor with all cheerfulness, talk about their church, own a Bible but yet they lack total commitment.  Some cannot pay their tithes regularly, some others cannot win souls, others lack obedience and loyalty to the Lord and their church.  But thank God that we are still alive, when we can strengthen our weak areas because God demands our hundred percent loyalty, commitment and devotion to Him.  This is the right time to critically look into every area of our weakness and pray earnestly to God with a determined mind to change and improve on the areas of our weakness.  The most unfortunate thing about this young man is that we no longer hear anything about his conversion since that day.  What is it that you are holding back from God?  It is time for you to yield yourself wholeheartedly on the altar of sacrifice and sing:
All to Jesus I surrender
All to Him I freely give
I will ever love and trust Him
In   His presence daily live
Choruses:        I surrender all, I surrender all
                        All to Thee, my blessed Saviour
                        I surrender all.
Pray now:  Lord, God of mercy, turn my weak points …….(mention them)  to my winning points.

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