Tuesday 30 May 2017



Prophet T.B. Joshua, just back from Ecuador where he had gone to commission a school built and presented to a community by Emmanuel TV Team, engaged congregants in his usual thought-provoking manner with a message title – God Cannot Use A Discouraged Servant. He emphasized on the fact that God cannot use a discouraged servant, adding that satan has a way of making people overwhelmed, worried. Therefore, we must overcome such attitudes that lead to discouragement.

Prophet T.B. Joshua further spoke about the attitude of a true Christian to unpleasant situations that tend to question his or her faith. According to the man of God, the Christian race is made more glorious when we encounter challenges on the way, because such challenges remind us of God: “The beauty of our journey is when you are going and something is there to punch you.” In other words, whatever setback a true Christian encounters in life is actually for his or her own good as it could set him or her up for a new level in life.
Continuing, he observed that trials to a Christian are like an examination which would eventually lead to his promotion both spiritually and materially. As such, he declared that we would always value our promotion when we pass through the examination without complaining: “When you are not sitting for an examination, how will you value the promotion.” The man of God also added that, “If you don’t sweat while studying, how will you value your certificate?”
Concluding, he urged Christians to see their situations as friends and not as enemies, adding that no situation is meant to destroy us but to improve our relationship with God: “Our situation reminds us of God because it is meant to improve us.”
Congregants were able to see clips of Prophet T.B. Joshua’s trip to Ecuador where a new set of classrooms equipped with learning materials was presented to a community in a remote part of the country. The man of God and the Emmanuel TV crew were seen passing through very rugged and undulating terrains to access the remote community that was once ravaged by an earthquake. The man of God used the medium to encourage Christians all over the world to give for noble causes such as helping the needy educationally.
Evangelist Justin
Evangelist Justin had earlier delivered a message titled LET YOUR HEART BE ENGAGED WITH GOD. According to him the best way to put satan off our lives is by not allowing him to sow his seeds of doubt in our hearts, because when we allow him, he would begin to make us doubt our place in God’s creation. He summed up his message in the following words: “Mind management is the first priority for an overcomer. The management of the heart and its thoughts is fundamental to our faith and holy living. The heart must be purified by faith and entire for God. Faith is the cause of victory, the means, the instrument and the spiritual armour by which we overcome sin, satan and the world.”
Rendered immobile and bed-ridden by chronic arthritis, she had lost all hope after every medical effort failed to bring her back to her normal condition. Members of her family, including her husband were distraught about her condition which took a negative toll on her very existence for one full year. Mrs Igbiso Talbot had been through serious pains and discomfort and had largely depended on family members for almost everything. It was so bad that her husband’s brother and his wife were the ones carrying her from place to place in search of help. She was unable to engage in any productive venture due to the severity of her case.
Having exhausted all possible options for solution, Mrs Talbot was brought to The SCOAN in a vehicle. While the Sunday service was going on, she cried out as loud as she could, appealing to the man of God to come and pray for her. After Prophet T.B. Joshua addressed congregants he moved straight to where she was in a vehicle outside the auditorium. Stretching his hand towards her from a distance, the man of God commanded the problems to bow to the superior power of the Holy Spirit. As the man of God tapped her legs, a spiritual operation ensued, causing her to vibrate as the power of God permeated all her joints and veins.
In the twinkle of an eye, Mrs Talbot stood on her feet for the first time in 365 days. As the man of God commanded her to walk, she took some initial weak steps which eventually gathered powerful momentum. Before she could walk ten steps, her movement was already solid and stable, sending the whole congregation into a frenzy of cheers. Shouts of “Thank You, Jesus”, rented the atmosphere as she walked with strength and stability, ending an affliction that had messed up one year of her life.  According to her, when the man of God touched her leg, she felt as though a rope was cut off. Testifying in company of her husband and other family members, Mrs Talbot thanked God for rescuing her from a stationary life that had been full of pain and despair.
Miss Nthabeleng Ramoeli was under siege by a terrible connective tissue disorder which affected almost every part and system within her body. Her digestive, respiratory, circulatory and muscular systems were all affected by the degenerative disease. The young lady from Lesotho was thereafter diagnosed with about seventy different conditions that made it difficult for her to do anything. She could not concentrate in school as she often suffered seizures and dislocations. There were occasions when she suffered multiple emergencies, forcing different doctors to attend to her at the same time.
As a young woman, her health conditions shaped her thinking about life. At a time, she had started losing hope about certain normal expectations in life. She had even concluded that marriage and procreation were not her lot in life, knowing that it would be easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for her to bear a child in future. On many occasions, she had to be pulled out of school on account of her hyperactive brain which made sleep impossible.
Everything about her was problematic, including her appetite. She could hardly eat any food without suffering from some form of irritation or allergies. Her bladder was always full even when she took only a spoonful of tea or water. She used a couple of aids such as a knee guard which became necessary due to the constant gathering of fluid in her knees. Her condition was a rare one that has no medical solution. She would not pass a day without dislocating up to three to four parts of her body.
Miss Nthabeleng was more of a special needs person by every sense of the word as she hardly survived a day without one form of intervention or the other. She could not write properly and was always unable to read as her eyes would dislocate without any prior warning. Her jaw bones would also dislocate, preventing her from making audible statements. Having been tormented by that legion of infirmities without any solution in sight, Miss Nthabeleng reckoned that coming to The SCOAN would be the best thing that would happen to her. She had been a passionate viewer of Emmanuel TV and was more than convinced her deliverance would come to pass at the Arena of Liberty.
Coming to The SCOAN alongside her aunt and uncle, both medical practitioners who have also experienced God’s power in the life of Prophet T.B. Joshua, Miss Nthabeleng received her healing and deliverance penultimate Sunday when the man of God laid hands on her as he ministered healing and prophecy to congregants. As soon as he touched her, she fell to the ground and vibrated uncontrollably for a couple of seconds – a sign that the Spirit of God was carrying out some spiritual operation in her system. By the time the vibration stopped, Miss Nthabeleng rose to her feet, thanking God for her healing.
During her testimony last Sunday, she recounted the horrible times she went through as a victim of that terrible condition. Excited that her near-hopeless condition has been reversed by the Holy Spirit, she told congregants that she is now hale and hearty as all those debilitating symptoms have been wiped away by the power of God. Now in her normal state and enjoying the new gifts of sound health and peace of mind, Miss Nthabeleng thanked God for bringing an end to a nightmare that had lived with her right from her childhood. On their part, both her aunt and uncle advised people to look up to God in times of trouble, adding that doctors only treat but God cures.
She had been diagnosed with a brain tumour after suffering from unexplained dizziness and tiredness. The condition degenerated to the extent that she could no longer function as a teacher. She struggled to live against all odds and was mostly indoors. Mrs Mpho Mantle suffered from memory loss, could not walk and was almost becoming a recluse until she decided to pray with Emmanuel TV. While watching the healing of a young man who had survived a fatal accident in which four other persons lost their lives, Mrs Mantle placed a demand on the anointing as Prophet T.B. Joshua laid hands on the young man. As soon as the young man received his healing, the woman from Botswana also declared herself free by standing up to walk on her feet.
After that day, she was able to do certain things which she found difficult in the past. With a renewed faith, she came to The SCOAN and had the opportunity to meet with the man of God at the Prayer Line. The man of God prayed for her, laid hands on her head and also gave her the Morning Water. When she returned to Botswana, she went straight to carry out tests to determine the state of her health. When the brain scan result was released, the 1.9cm-long tumour that had been diagnosed was nowhere to be found, to the bewilderment of the medical personnel.
Expressing her gratitude to God last Sunday, Mrs Mpho Mantle advised people all over the world to repose their trust in God, adding that if they imbibe the teachings of the man of God, they would benefit immensely from them.
Mr Ivaibi Festo is a clothier who imported clothes from Asia and other parts of the world. He was doing pretty well as a business man until challenges occasioned by certain unforeseen circumstances reared their ugly heads. He lost his goods to a demolition exercise and was a victim of armed robbery. Other factors also sapped them financially leading to serious financial hardship.
Three years into their challenges, Mrs Festo came across Emmanuel TV, while searching for divine help. When his wife told him about Emmanuel TV, he initially had his reservations. But because his wife would always watch the anointed channel with their television volume high, Mr Festo had no choice than to listen to the words and teachings of Prophet T.B. Joshua from the comfort of his living room. He eventually realised that he really needed to associate with the quality and depth of teachings and messages that the man of God was dishing out through Emmanuel TV. He was particularly encouraged by Prophet T.B. Joshua’s submission that faith is a spiritual currency. According to him, that was the turning point!
As husband and wife continued to watch Emmanuel TV, signs emerged that proved that God had not forsaken them. One day after praying with Emmanuel TV, Mrs Festo had a dream in which the man of God prayed for her and she vomited poisonous substances. According to Mr Festo, after that dream, things started looking up. Many of his suppliers who had forgotten him started calling him. Mr Festo would later meet a lady who gave him the Morning Water. 
Mr Festo has been blessed with a new lucrative business, cars for himself, his wife, his mother and his daughter who is barely two years old. Aside all the blessings God has doled out to his family, Mr Festo was also saved from an accident that would have taken his life but for divine intervention. According to a wash bay attendant whom he had taken the car to for washing, no one ever survived the kind of accident he was involved in, going by the condition of the car. “Keep praying to God because Jesus never said goodbye”, he advised during their testimony last Sunday.
Dr Tagbo Atuanya was going about his medical profession without any hassles until he had an accident while inspecting his private clinic that was under renovation. He had fallen from a platform and sustained a traumatic fracture that saw his bone piercing through the skin on his leg, leaving him in a pool of blood. After that tragic incident, the man from Anambra State, Nigeria was rushed to the Federal Medical Centre, Jalingo in Taraba State, Nigeria. Incidentally, he is a senior doctor with the government facility. Having evaluated the degree of his injury, doctors attempted to fix his broken bone on three different occasions but each attempt ended in failure. Having gone through a series of sedation, Dr Atuanya was worn out.
After attempts to fix his fractured bone failed, the next option was to book him for surgery. Though, the idea of a surgery was not a bad one medically speaking, Dr Atuanya had personal reservations.
His wife had even asked God to cancel the idea of surgery if it was not going to be the best for her husband. After booking his surgery on a particular date, the orthopaedic surgeon eventually cancelled and postponed it to another day. That postponement convinced his wife that God did not want him to undergo the medical procedure. It was at that juncture that it dawned on husband and wife that they required a superior solution. Immediately, they boarded a flight and came to The SCOAN.
Dr Atuanya arrived at The SCOAN in a car alongside his wife. He was in pains with his leg wrapped in a large Plaster of Paris. Calling out to the man of God for help, Dr Atuanya knew that Prophet T.B. Joshua is a vessel through which God has been performing great miracles. And indeed he did, Prophet T.B. Joshua walked to Dr Atuanya who was inside a car outside the auditorium. Before laying hands on him, the man of God first delivered his wife and son.
Having delivered them, the man of God commanded Dr Atuanya’s broken bone to become whole again. In a matter of seconds, Dr Atuanya was up on his feet walking for the first time in a long while. According to him, as the man of God touched him, he felt a strong sensation from his head down through his legs and immediately stood up to walk. Thanking God instantly, Dr Atunaya in a feat of unbridled ecstasy walked his way into the auditorium as congregants burst into a paroxysm of loud ovation.
During his testimony last Sunday, in company of his wife, he told congregants that it was impossible for a grown man with a fractured bone to walk the way he did, if not for God. In medical practice, it would take at least ninety days for such to happen. But in his case, God was involved, hence, he was able to walk seconds after receiving prayers, in Jesus’ name.
Mrs Atuanya was passionately moved by the testimony of her husband. And as a living witness to the whole saga, she thanked God for relieving her of all those duties she had carried out while tending to her injured husband. She used the medium of the testimony to remind people all over the world about the superiority of God over every earthly convention. For her, what medical science had deemed impossible has been made possible by the Creator of the universe. On his part, Dr Atuanya advised people thus: “When you have a problem, run to God. Only God can do what man cannot do.”
Mrs Caroline Nwaneri, a Johannesburg-based nurse of Nigerian descent, had been experiencing some strange feelings of general malaise characterised by body pains, severe headaches, tonsillitis and a persistent cough. These symptoms made life brutish for her as she could hardly sleep. Matters got so bad that her husband had to take over her basic responsibilities in their home. At some point, she started struggling with her breathing as it became short – an indication that something was amiss with her respiratory system. The family became worried as each and every medication she took failed to bring about any improvement.
One day, her mother drew her attention to a dream she had in which Prophet T.B. Joshua came to South Africa and blessed them. After that dream, her husband encouraged her to physically visit The SCOAN. Mrs Nwaneri was in the church auditorium penultimate Sunday as the man of God led the Mass Prayer in the mighty name of Jesus. As the spiritual battle raged on during that intense prayer session, chains were being loosed while yokes were also being lifted.
The man of God, in his prophetic hindsight, commanded every infirmity out of the congregants. Mrs Nwaneri suddenly started feeling electrical sensations all over her body. Before she could understand what was really going on, her nose was emitting what she described as demonic deposits of blood. As she emitted blood through her nose, she also vomited poisonous substances out of her system. Ever since that encounter with the power of God, Mrs Nwaneri is now feeling very well and could do all those things she had relinquished to her husband. Radiating so much joy and confidence in God during her testimony last Sunday, she left the following advice: “Have faith. Distance is not a barrier.”
He had been shot in the head during a brawl in his community and had been in coma for three weeks in a hospital in Abuja, Nigeria’s capital city. After three surgeries on him, in a bid to extract the bullet pellet from his head failed, he was referred for treatment in India. By this time, Chief Progress was already on a wheelchair. Soon after, watching Emmanuel TV, he prayed along with Prophet T.B. Joshua. After that prayer, the pellet that was buried in his head fell out on its own.
After the miraculous falling out of the bullet pellet from his head, Chief Progress decided to visit The SCOAN on a wheel chair. Arriving at The SCOAN, he cried to God, under one of the over-flow canopies, to make him walk, adding that he was not born with a wheelchair. After making that supplication, he stood up in faith and asked his sister to return the wheelchair to the hospital. And since that moment, he has been walking freely without any form of aid.
Testifying alongside some of his community people who also renounced their fetish ways, He advised people to embrace God.

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